Plan miasta Ferencmajor

Znaleziono 8 miejscowosci o nazwie Ferencmajor.

Ferencmajor - Najnowsze wiadomości:

31.08.2007 - bferencmajor/b fishponds, naszály, hungary

the largest pond has been drained for fishing. the fresh mudflat suggested to be a good feeding area for stop-over shorebirds. the reality was different. only a few birds were seen. in the next couple of weeks other lakes are going to ...
źródło: BlogSearch

13.08.2007 - bferencmajor/b fishponds, naszály, hungary

today was a kind of recovery for the birds and the campers. this was also the birthday of my son, dani. happy birthday dani! he is 12 now. from birding point of view only a few interesting records should be mentioned. black stork 3 b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch

31.08.2007 - bferencmajor/b fishponds, naszály, hungary

the largest pond has been drained for fishing. the fresh mudflat suggested to be a good feeding area for stop-over shorebirds. the reality was different. only a few birds were seen. in the next couple of weeks other lakes are going to b.../b
źródło: BlogSearch
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